Αγγλικά λογοπαίγνια

 Έξυπνα λογοπαίγνια στην Αγγλική γλώσσα υπάρχουν σε αυτή την ιστοσελίδα:



He drove his expensive car into a tree and found out how the Mercedes bends...

A bicycle can't stand on its own because it is two-tired..

Some people's noses and feet are built backwards: ...their feet smell and their noses run.

If you step onto a plane and recognize a friend of yours named Jack don't yell out ...Hi Jack!

The one who invented the door knocker got a No-bell prize..!

A noun and a verb were dating but they broke up because the noun was too ...possessive.

I like European food so I decided to Russia over there because I was Hungary. After Czech'ing the menu I ordered Turkey. When I was Finnished I told the waiter 'Spain good, but there is Norway I could eat another bite'.